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Tweet-Size Horror: From Dusk Till Dawn 2: Texas Blood Money (1999)
From Dusk Till Dawn 2: Has very little to do with the story of the original, but is a decent bank robbers become vampires movie. 6/10
READ MORETweet-Size Horror: From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)
From Dusk Till Dawn: The original Tarantino/Rodriguez horror team-up is still one of the best movies either has been involved in. 10/10
READ MORETweet-Size Horror: Death Proof (2007)
Death Proof: Works better in its extended form than as part of Grindhouse, but this is easily Quentin Tarantino’s worst film. 7/10
READ MORETweet-Size Horror: Planet Terror (2007)
Planet Terror: Robert Rodriguez’s half of Grindhouse doesn’t work as well on its own. The cast features many B movie greats. 6/10
READ MORETweet-Size Horror: Grindhouse (2007)
Grindhouse: The features in this double feature are decent, but the main reason to watch is for the fake trailers during intermission. 7/10
READ MORETweet-Size Horror: Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever (2010)
Cabin Fever 2: A great opening is undone by vapid characters and lame gross out gags. It should be noted that the director disowned it. 3/10
READ MORETweet-Size Horror: The Wraith (1986)
The Wraith: This sci-fi revenge story features some great car chases, but the characters are dumb and the plot makes very little sense. 5/10
READ MORETweet-Size Horror: Killer Party (1986)
Killer Party: Bad 80s slasher turns into a bad Exorcist rip-off in the last half hour. Not available on DVD. 2/10