MacGuffin Spotlight
MacGuffin Roundtable #16 – Trespass
The MacGuffin crew discuss Trespass, from director Joel Schumacher and starring Nicolas Cage & Nicole Kidman. This episode can be played online via the flash player below or it can be downloaded from here. It is available on iTunes and Stitcher.
READ MOREPulling Focus – Found Footage Films and Marketing
Found footage horror films are a genuinely modern phenomenon. We can attempt to trace roots to Cannibal Holocaust in 1980, tie origins to the aesthetic and stylistic techniques in the even older cinéma vérité genre, or, if we really want to go back, we can…
READ MOREAn Appreciation – L’Atalante
There are good filmmakers, there are great filmmakers, and then there’s Jean Vigo. In the history of great directors that have come and gone, Jean Vigo’s name stands in a class all its own. Very few directors have made such an impression on me with…
READ MOREHorror Triple Feature – Alien/It! The Terror from Beyond Space/Planet of the Vampires
I watch at least 31 scary movies in October for no other reason than I can. It’s fun, and why the hell wouldn’t I? This year I kicked off a little early on September 30th by watching Alien on the big(ish) screen at the Grand…
READ MOREPoll – Favorite Horror Film of the 2000s
As part of our horror celebration for the month of October, we will be running a series of polls to try to nail down the best horror films from specific periods of time. This time we are tackling the best horror film of the 2000s.…
READ MOREMacGuffin Roundtable #15 – Cemetery Man
The MacGuffin crew discuss Cemetery Man, from director Michele Soavi and starring Rupert Everett. This episode can be played online via the flash player below or it can be downloaded from here. It is available on iTunes and Stitcher.
READ MOREWhat We’re Watching – Horror Edition #4
Brandi Sperry: It is getting to the end of the month, and that time when, after weeks of gorging, a horror fan might either be looking to circle back around to the must-watch-every-year classics, or get a little out there and outside the box. In…
READ MOREHorror Double Feature – Eyes Without a Face & Kuroneko
For my last double horror feature recommendation of the month, I decided to pick two films that I have only recently seen but have fallen in love with almost immediately. Georges Franju’s Eyes Without a Face (1960) and Kaneto Shindo’s Kuroneko (1968) are two movies…