SDCC Interview – Scott Thompson & Aaron Abrams – Hannibal

The MacGuffin was a part of the round table interviews for Hannibal that happened after the SDCC panel on Thursday. As a Fannibal, I was pretty ecstatic to be able to interview the cast and crew who were at SDCC.

Our interview with Aaron Abrams and Scott Thompson who play Brian Zeller and Jimmy Price, respectively. This is honestly one of the funniest interviews I have been a part of as a press member. Both characters are the comic relief of the show, and the actors’ personalities definitely fit their characters. Abrams and Thompson were definitely having fun with all of the round tables, but we were the lucky ones to get them last. Even if you don’t watch Hannibal, this is a very hysterical interview involving messing with and licking cell phones and humping of tables. Yes, you just read that.


Sarah resides in Dallas where she writes about films and trailers in her spare time when she is not taking care of her animals at the zoo.

You can reach her via email or on Twitter

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