Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
Steve Rogers struggles to embrace his role in the modern world and battles a new threat from old history: the Soviet agent known as the Winter Soldier.
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Top 15 Films of 2017 – Allen’s Picks
When it comes to making these end of year lists, I usually take it in stride. I never really think about them for too long, since it’s just an exercise in futility. But 2017 was such a strong year at the movies, with good to…
READ MOREFilm Review – Thor: Ragnarok
Hey, look! A good Thor movie! Out of all the central characters featured so far in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor has remained a blank slate. Thor (2011) and Thor: The Dark World (2013) are two of the more forgettable entries into the MCU, mostly…
READ MOREFilm Review – Captain America: Civil War
It is hard to review a film like Captain America: Civil War, since it might be arguably the most critic-proof movie of the year. Critics are already heaping praise on it, and I’m not going waste your time posturing like I disagree. It is an incredibly…
READ MOREFilm Analysis – Spectre of a Legacy
[SPOILERS, of course] Spectre opens with an epigram that “the dead are with us.” Few things ought to be more terrifying to James Bond. His license to kill has racked up a quite a body count (362, by at least two counts) about which 007…
READ MORETop 15 Films of 2014 – Allen’s Picks
Another year, another end of year movie list. 2014 was marked by a nice variety of cinematic offerings. From action blockbusters to independents, from foreign work to documentaries, there seemed to be great stuff coming from everywhere this year. While making lists will always be…
READ MOREFilm Review – Big Hero 6
Walt Disney Animation has been making interesting choices in the last few years. The studio known for traditional fairytales has stepped out of the box as of late. Wreck-It Ralph (2012) tried something different, and even Frozen (2013) took well-worn tropes and flipped them to…