Dallas Buyers Club (2013)
The story of Texas electrician Ron Woodroof and his battle with the medical establishment and pharmaceutical companies after being diagnosed as HIV-positive in 1986, and his search for alternative treatments that helped established a way in which fellow HIV-positive people could join for access to his supplies.
2014 Oscar Predictions – Ben’s Picks
It’s Oscar time again and it has been a roller coaster of a year with no clear front-runner for best picture and several of the categories ripe for potential upsets. While not as strong a line up of films as last year, there are still…
READ MOREFilm Review – Dallas Buyers Club (Second Take)
Dallas Buyers Club benefited publicity-wise from pre-filming photos of Matthew McConaughey wasting away as he lost weight to play Ron Woodruff, the main character. Basically, everyone knows by this point that this is that film where McConaughey is skinny. Why did he lose the weight?…
READ MOREFilm Review – Dallas Buyers Club
There is a formula for the disease-of-the-week movies I used to watch back in the ’90s: Flawed hero/heroine (usually heroine because this movie genre is a staple of the Lifetime channel) discovers he or she has contracted a terminal illness and has a short time…
READ MOREFilm Review – Mr. Nobody
Mr. Nobody is a film that should have been out in the U.S. four years ago. Originally released on the festival circuit in 2009 and with release dates in European countries and others from 2009 to 2010, the film failed to attract any major fanfare…