Episode 62 – Judas and the Black Messiah

For this very special episode of the podcast, we review the HBO Max thriller, Judas and the Black Messiah. We talk about the painful history and the cinematic tension behind this Fred Hampton biopic, starring Daniel Kaluuya and Lakeith Stanfield. And for the streaming homework, we discuss the 2015 horror-comedy Bloodsucking Bastards with guest, filmmaker and comedian, Brian James O’Connell. We get into on-set stories, Brian’s filmmaking process, and what it was like casting pre-Game of Thrones/Mandalorian star, Pedro Pascal

Check out Brian James O’Connell’s website here.

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Raised in South-East Idaho and currently working in Los Angeles, Cassidy is a freelance film journalist and an experienced geek.

Follow him on Twitter or email him.

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