Posts Tagged ‘Brian De Palma’
Film Review – Carrie (2013)
Sure, some could say that the old Brian De Palma version of Carrie (1976) needed a little dusting off—it feels a bit dated, what with the abrupt editing style, the gauzy cinematography, the low budget effects—but it also showcases bravura performances from both Sissy Spacek…
READ MOREEpisode 161 – Tom Cruise
In honor of the release of Rock of Ages, Spencer and Greg discuss Tom Cruise.
READ MOREWhat We’re Watching – 8/24/11
Tabloid When I heard a new Errol Morris documentary was coming out, I squealed, which confused my husband, because I don’t normally make that noise. I remember seeing The Thin Blue Line on PBS back in 1988 and being amazed at how different it…
READ MOREWhat We’re Watching – 8/10/11
King of Marvin Gardens Around Christmas time last year, I picked up a copy of the Criterion Collection’s box set “America Lost and Found: The BBS Story.” It wasn’t until just a couple weeks ago that I finally sat down and watched King of Marvin…
READ MOREWhat We’re Watching – 6/15/11
What’s Brandi been watching? In the theater: I didn’t get to see Super 8 this past weekend, but after hearing such positive things about it, I decided to squeeze it into my busy Tuesday, treating myself to dinner and a movie. There I sat, buttered…
READ MOREWhat We’re Watching – 5/26/2011
Looking over some of the films I’ve recently seen, I’ve noticed that my taste in movies ranges dramatically. From a 1950s Italian comedy to a 1980s tense thriller to a 2011 movie with pirates and mermaids, it seems that there really isn’t a place in…
READ MORETop 5 – Bad Films From Good Directors
Another MacGuffin Film Podcast Top 5′s segment. This time Brandi and Allen share their top 5 bad films from good directors.
READ MORETop 5 – Films They Should Have Seen (Part II)
Another MacGuffin Film Podcast Top 5′s segment. This time, Brandi and Allen share their thoughts after watching the films they assigned each other in “Top 5 Films They Should Have Seen.” If you need a refresher, you can watch the Top 5 – Films They…