Posts Tagged ‘Brian Helgeland’
Film Review – The Killer (2024)
I’m not one to automatically disregard remakes of beloved movies. Sometimes a fresh new perspective on a familiar story can help us better appreciate the original. But there are instances where the very notion of a remake is preposterous. Case in point: The Killer (1989). John Woo’s…
READ MOREFilm Review – Spenser Confidential
Let me paint a picture for you. We open on a concrete building, surrounded by a barbed wire fence, with armed guards posted at watch towers. Inside, people in brown jumpsuits live in confined spaces behind metal bars. Based on this description, what would you…
READ MOREFilm Review – Legend
Janus the two-faced Roman God. The Taoist yin and yang. Nickelodeon’s CatDog. The human struggle has long been envisioned in terms of opposing-yet-intertwined forces. In Legend, writer-director Brian Helgeland’s dialectic envisions Tom Hardy as both sides of humanity’s conflicted co-dependence with itself. Tom Hardy –…
READ MOREDVD Rundown 7-16-2013 – Video Podcast #266
Spencer and Greg give their DVD rundown for July 16th, 2013. In this episode they discuss 42, Evil Dead, Orphan Black and Lord of the Flies.
READ MOREEpisode 245 – Baseball Movies
In honor of the release of 42, Spencer and Greg discuss baseball movies.
READ MOREFilm Review – 42
There have been a lot of important events in the history of sports, but the biggest and also one of the significant events in American history, the breaking of the color barrier, is a story that needs to be told. Thanks to Academy Award-winning screenwriter…
READ MOREAn Appreciation – L.A. Confidential
“Off the record, on the QT, and very hush-hush.” So says reporter Sid Hudgens (Danny DeVito) at the end each of his articles in the tabloid paper Hush-Hush. While Sid works as a supporting character in Curtis Hanson’s masterful crime drama L.A. Confidential (1997), his…