Posts Tagged ‘Chloë Grace Moretz’
Interview – Kimberly Peirce – Carrie (2013)
Spencer interviews director Kimberly Peirce from the horror remake Carrie (2013).
READ MOREFilm Review – Carrie (2013)
Sure, some could say that the old Brian De Palma version of Carrie (1976) needed a little dusting off—it feels a bit dated, what with the abrupt editing style, the gauzy cinematography, the low budget effects—but it also showcases bravura performances from both Sissy Spacek…
READ MOREFilm Review – Kick-Ass 2
Jeff Wadlow’s Kick-Ass 2 will once again bring up the discussion of violence in movies. It’s strange how—at least to American censors—shootings, stabbings, decapitations, and other forms of extreme violence are more often than not accepted. But on the other side, the slightest expression of…
READ MOREFilm Review – Violet & Daisy
A lot of films are built on just a clever premise; sometimes a great story is written around it, sometimes it never really develops into anything more. Violet & Daisy, the feature debut from director Geoffrey Fletcher, exists somewhere between the two extremes as it…
READ MORECinemaCon Days 3&4 Recap
If screenings of clips from Star Trek Into Darkness and Fast & Furious 6 weren’t cool enough, we still had two days worth of studio presentations (Disney, Sony, 20th Century Fox, and Lionsgate) at CinemaCon 2013. Generally the presentations went two ways: either the presenters would briefly mention a…
READ MORECinemaCon Days 1&2 Recap
Two days into CinemaCon—the convention formerly known as ShoWest—the studio presentations have been full of action and surprises. CinemaCon is the yearly convention for the National Association of Theater Owners, but it has also become a platform for the major studios to showcase their upcoming…
READ MOREMacGuffin Audio Podcast #152
Spencer is joined by Aaron Mason (The Grapes of Rad) and Nick Ahlers (Planned Brotherhood). Topics include: Saying goodbye to Tony Scott, the return of Indiana Jones, casting the female Expendables, Shia LaBeouf’s nymphomania, is Jay Leno beyond redemption, can John Goodman save The Hangover III, dreams…
READ MOREFilm Review – Dark Shadows
I walked into Tim Burton’s Dark Shadows never having seen the television show that it was based off of. Sometimes, going into a movie completely cold can be an advantage; when you have no expectations, the chances of you liking it can increase substantially. Unfortunately,…