Posts Tagged ‘Christopher Eccleston’
Film Review – Young Woman and the Sea
Disney has long been associated – and rightfully so – with a legacy of family centric animation. Whether done through their own studio or in coordination with Pixar, The House of Mouse has dominated mainstream animation for the better part of a century. But a lesser known…
READ MOREFilm Review – Legend
Janus the two-faced Roman God. The Taoist yin and yang. Nickelodeon’s CatDog. The human struggle has long been envisioned in terms of opposing-yet-intertwined forces. In Legend, writer-director Brian Helgeland’s dialectic envisions Tom Hardy as both sides of humanity’s conflicted co-dependence with itself. Tom Hardy –…
READ MOREFilm Review – Thor: The Dark World
Thor: The Dark World marks Marvel Studios‘ biggest cinematic disappointment since Iron Man 2 (2010). It is a goofy, clunky film more interested in fitting with the rest of the Marvel Universe than in telling its own fully developed story. While I was not a…