Posts Tagged ‘Clark Gregg’
Film Review – Captain Marvel
After ten years and twenty films, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has finally provided us with a female-lead entry. Captain Marvel (2019) contains much of what we’ve come to expect from a superhero origin – both positively and negatively. There are some peaks and valleys all…
READ MOREFilm Review – Avengers: Infinity War
I’ll fess up right now; most of these Marvel movies are not for me. I generally don’t care about superheroes, but lest you think I know not of what I speak, I worked in a comic book store on and off for 10 years. I’ve…
READ MORESIFF Film Review – Trust Me
The movie industry can be a cruel, cutthroat place. Even worse is being a Hollywood agent. It’s a soul crushing, pride swallowing job where your success is predicated on the success of other people. Clark Gregg – who has been lifted into the mainstream as…
READ MORESIFF Interview – Clark Gregg – Trust Me
Spencer interviews writer/director/actor Clark Gregg from the noir comedy Trust Me at SIFF 2014.
READ MOREFilm Review – Labor Day
Just about everyone has probably seen those TV spots for Labor Day by now. Featuring Rihanna’s “Stay” and showing Kate Winslet and Josh Brolin making a pie together. That’s about all the information I had about the film going into the screening. Is it a…
READ MOREDVD Rundown 10-8-2013 – Video Podcast #280
Spencer and Greg give their DVD rundown for October 8th, 2013. In this episode they discuss Much Ado About Nothing, After Earth, The Purge and I Married A Witch.
READ MOREFilm Review – The To Do List
Comedy isn’t easy. Sure, writing a clever quip isn’t the most challenging thing, but sustaining a consistent and engaging rhythm is hard. Think about the many films you see throughout the year with talented folks that fail to impress (Identity Thief, I’m looking right at…
READ MOREInterview – Maggie Carey – The To Do List
Spencer interviews writer/director Maggie Carey from the comedy The To Do List.