Posts Tagged ‘Emily Browning’
SXSW TV Review – American Gods
Bryan Fuller (or rather NBC) left Hannibal fans high and dry after the third season. The level of artistry of Fuller’s creative team needed another outlet, and before the blood was dry from the end of Hannibal, Fuller and company embarked on another episodic journey,…
READ MOREFilm Review – Legend
Janus the two-faced Roman God. The Taoist yin and yang. Nickelodeon’s CatDog. The human struggle has long been envisioned in terms of opposing-yet-intertwined forces. In Legend, writer-director Brian Helgeland’s dialectic envisions Tom Hardy as both sides of humanity’s conflicted co-dependence with itself. Tom Hardy –…
READ MOREFilm Review – Pompeii
One of the worst things a film can be is half measured. Regardless of the subject matter, if it doesn’t fully embrace its approach, it will falter. If it’s supposed to be serious, then be serious. If it’s supposed to be a silly b-movie, then…
READ MOREFilm Review – Sleeping Beauty
There are many reasons to dislike Sleeping Beauty, the new film from first-time writer/director Julia Leigh, but at least being sick of half-hearted fairy tale updates is not one of them. This is because the film has almost nothing to do with the traditional Charles…
READ MOREEpisode 80 – Who is Greg Mottola?
Spencer and John discuss Greg Mottola following the release of his film Paul, debate the action star potential of the women of Sucker Punch, and close out with their DVD picks of the week.