Posts Tagged ‘evil dead 2’
Top 5 – Fight Scenes
Another Top 5 segment from The MacGuffin. This time Allen and Ed share their top 5 fight scenes. This segment is also available on Stitcher, iTunes and from here. After you’ve watched the video please vote in our poll and share which one you think…
READ MOREEpisode 113 – Adaptations
In honor of Twilight, Spencer and Greg tackle literary series adaptations. Then they talk dysfunctional families in movies and give DVD picks.
READ MOREEpisode 66 – ZomBcon 2010 Part 1
Filmed at ZomBcon 2010, Spencer and John interview Timothy Patrick Quill, Danny Hicks, Adam Deyoe, Betsy Baker and Ted Raimi as part of their Evil Dead spectacular.
READ MORETop Horror Films – #13 – Evil Dead 2
Evil Dead 2 1987; directed by Sam Raimi; written by Scott Spiegel and Sam Raimi Allen: Essentially the same film as the original Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2 took all the great elements of the first and brought it up a notch.