Posts Tagged ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’
SXSW Interview – Adrien Brody – Stone Barn Castle
Spencer interviews subject Adrien Brody from the documentary Stone Barn Castle at SXSW 2015.
READ MORE2015 Oscar Predictions – Ben’s Picks
The Academy Awards are here again and unlike most years I am actually ready to move on to the next year. Don’t get me wrong, I will watch and get excited and angry depending on the results but most awards are pretty wrapped up except,…
READ MORETop 15 Films of 2014 – Allen’s Picks
Another year, another end of year movie list. 2014 was marked by a nice variety of cinematic offerings. From action blockbusters to independents, from foreign work to documentaries, there seemed to be great stuff coming from everywhere this year. While making lists will always be…
READ MOREFilm Review – The Grand Budapest Hotel
In the connection between history and understanding is memory. Stories are predicated on memory between time and place. It is in this space where interpretation comes from. Information about somewhere and some-when informs our imagination, which in turn creates a memory of something we were…