Posts Tagged ‘Indiana Jones’
Episode 86 – The Rise of Johnny Depp
Spencer and John look back on Johnny Depp’s rise to stardom in honor of Pirates of the Caribbean 4, share some things they wish would go away now, and give their DVD picks of the week.
READ MOREIt is what it is – Intro
What makes a film cool? And what does “cool” mean, anyway? It feels like a word that means a million things and nothing at the same time, but it’s a concept that’s constantly used to promote, review and defend a huge amount of Hollywood mainstream…
READ MORETop 5 – Films In Need Of Another Chapter
Another MacGuffin Film Podcast Top 5′s segment. This time Brandi and Allen share their top 5 films in need of another chapter.
READ MOREInterview – Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation
John interviews Chris Strompolos and Eric Zala (Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation) before the film’s engagement at SIFF Cinema.
READ MOREIndiana Jones: An Appreciation – Part 4 – The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade is a tremendous film; the kind of movie you can watch over and over again and never get tired of. The action is great and thrilling, the characters are bright and entertaining, and the twists come without warning. I…
READ MOREIndiana Jones: An Appreciation – Part 3 – The Last Crusade
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, in many ways, is a response by Spielberg and Lucas to the critics that were less than impressed with Temple. They drew away from the dark themes of the second movie, and followed the structure that made Raiders so…
READ MOREIndiana Jones: An Appreciation – Part 2 – The Temple of Doom
To put it simply, Raiders of the Lost Ark is just a fun movie to watch, with classic sequences that never get old. In Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, George Lucas and Steven Spielberg did not want a repeat of Raiders, but instead…
READ MOREIndiana Jones: An Appreciation – Part 1 – Raiders of the Lost Ark
As a kid, no other film franchise kept me on the edge of my seat, made me as excited, or captured my imagination more so than the Indiana Jones films. To me, Indy was the Alpha and Omega when it came to action heroes. The…