Posts Tagged ‘J.J. Abrams’
Film Review – Music by John Williams
Hundreds of years from now, people will revere composer John Williams the same way we do of Beethoven, Bach, and Mozart. Some might already put him on that pedestal now. His music has come to transcend generations, embedding into our collective consciousness like a fond memory. There…
READ MOREEpisode 71 – Army of the Dead
For this week’s podcast, we review the ups and downs of Zack Snyder‘s Netflix original movie, Army of the Dead. We also discuss JJ Abrams‘ recent admission that the latest Star Wars trilogy was ill-conceived. Before the reviews, we retool classic movie plots in a…
READ MOREFilm Review – Star Wars: Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker
I resisted watching the new Star Wars movies for a long time because I am a grumpy middle-aged lady who really doesn’t care about this particular intellectual property. I don’t hate the original trilogy, but the prequels kind of sucked. Not because of their dumbass…
READ MORESDCC TV Review – Castle Rock
Castle Rock premiered its first episode at San Diego Comic-Con, followed by a Q & A with the cast and crew. Seeing as I am a Stephen King fan and the cast for this new Hulu series is loaded with talent, I made it into…
READ MOREFilm Review – Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Ever since A New Hope was released in 1977, every Star Wars film followed the same basic formula: operatic space battles between good and evil, with a central character being pulled in both directions, whose final choice could decide the fate of all. From the…
READ MOREFilm Review – The Great Wall
Arrows flying, 4 legged CGI monsters, gleaming well-polished primary colored armor, more arrows, horses, more CGI, still more arrows, beards, intense staring, Taiko drums, yet still more slow-motion arrows… Perhaps China’s most famous structure was built and used for various purposes over hundreds of years.…
READ MOREFilm Review – 10 Cloverfield Lane
Love him or hate him, J.J. Abrams knows how to get your attention. His “mystery box” approach to both 10 Cloverfield Lane and it’s spiritual predecessor, involving surprise trailer drops and elaborate ARGs (look it up), can be either invigorating or infuriating depending on your…
READ MOREFilm Review – Star Wars: The Force Awakens
With Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015), director J.J. Abrams had the near impossible task of continuing the saga started by George Lucas. Audiences were burned by prequels and special editions, and the pressure of kick starting the franchise back to life must have been…