Posts Tagged ‘J.K. Simmons’
Episode 93 – Spider-Man: No Way Home & The Matrix Resurrections
The first episode of 2022 features reviews for Spider-Man: No Way Home and The Matrix Resurrections. We also think of a couple of pitches for buddies movies starring actors of our choice. For our streaming homework, we review the 1995 cyber-punk action movie, Johnny Mnemonic, which also stars Keanu…
READ MOREFilm Review – Being the Ricardos (Second Take)
I would hope that everyone has some connection to I Love Lucy. Mine was watching it after school or on the weekends. It was one of those rare shows that I didn’t mind that it was in black and white. The character of Lucy will…
READ MOREFilm Review – Being the Ricardos
Through the 1950s, few television shows were as big as I Love Lucy. Viewers tuned in every week to see real life couple Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz navigate the hijinks of marriage. Even today, “Lucy and Ricky” are referenced as one of the classic…
READ MOREFilm Review – The Tomorrow War
The Tomorrow War (2021) is a perfectly acceptable, albeit forgettable, sci-fi actioner. It doesn’t bring anything new to the genre. It plays with well-worn elements that many of us have become familiar with but does so in an entertaining way. This is one of those instances…
READ MOREEpisode 39 – The Ladykillers and Event Horizon
For this episode of the podcast, we take a look at two films that defy the reputations of their filmmakers. We review Joel and Ethan Coen‘s 2004 dark comedy, The Ladykillers, which represents a “bad” film made by traditionally “good” directors. Conversely, review the 1997…
READ MOREFilm Review – Klaus
What a beautiful film Klaus (2019) is! In an age where animation is dominated by three dimensional, CGI rendered output, here is a film that chooses to be both a throwback and a giant step forward in 2D animation. It looks and feels as though…
READ MOREFilm Review – Father Figures
In the 21st Century there is probably no more influential figure in mainstream Hollywood film comedy than Judd Apatow. While he didn’t invent character based comedy, he definitely proved that it could be popular and make money. For a long time big screen comedy was…
READ MOREFilm Review – The Snowman
In the town of Oslo, Norway a serial killer hunts women and leaves behind a snowman as a calling card. Alcoholic detective Harry Hole (Michael Fassbender) takes up the investigation to find the killer. In some regards that sounds like a solid setup to a…