Posts Tagged ‘James McAvoy’
Film Review – Split
From a lonely look, isolated at a party, to memories of a father and brother teaching her to hunt, Casey Cook (Anya Taylor-Joy) is clearly living with the residue of trauma. It stands to reason then, when Casey and two peers, Marcia (Jessica Sula) and…
READ MOREFilm Review – X-Men: Apocalypse
Spencer and Greg Upton (formerly of the Backroom Comics Podcast) take a look at the latest chapter in the X-Men saga, X-Men: Apocalypse, from director Bryan Singer and starring James McAvoy & Michael Fassbender.
READ MOREFilm Review – Victor Frankenstein
Victor Frankenstein (2015) starts by telling us that we already know this story, which is a weird way to kick things off. If we know what this is about, what’s the point of telling it all over again? The “Frankenstein” story is not prohibited from…
READ MOREFilm Review – X-Men: Days of Future Past
The X-Men movie franchise is entering its fourteenth year. Time flies, doesn’t it? We’ve now had six films showcasing the troubles of our favorite mutants existing in a world that fears them. Some have been well done, such as X2 (2003). Others – like X-Men:…
READ MOREDVD Rundown 7-23-2013 – Video Podcast #268
Spencer and Greg give their DVD rundown for July 23rd, 2013. In this episode they discuss Trance, Graceland, Kiss of the Damned and The Ice Storm.
READ MOREFilm Review – Trance
Some movies are best seen with as little advance information as possible. Danny Boyle’s new film, Trance, is one of them, and if you take my advice, you will come back and read this after you’ve seen it. You probably won’t do this, which kinds…
READ MOREEpisode 243 – Danny Boyle
In honor of the release of Trance, Spencer and Greg discuss Danny Boyle.
READ MOREEpisode 218 – Forest Whitaker
In honor of the release of A Dark Truth, Spencer and Greg discuss Forest Whitaker.