Posts Tagged ‘Jaws’
Episode 154 – When Animals Attack
In honor of the release of Piranha 3DD, Spencer and Greg discuss when animals attack in movies.
READ MORETop 5 – Speeches
Another Top 5 segment from The MacGuffin. This time Allen and Ed share their top 5 speeches. This segment is also available on Stitcher, iTunes and from here. After you’ve watched the video please vote in our poll and share which one you think is…
READ MORETop 5 – Rivalries
Another Top 5 segment from The MacGuffin. This time Allen and Ed share their top 5 rivalries. This segment is also available on Stitcher, iTunes and from here. After you’ve watched the video please vote in our poll and share which one you think is…
READ MORETop 5 – Film Scores
Another Top 5 segment from The MacGuffin. This time Allen and Edward share their top 5 film scores. This segment is also available on Stitcher, iTunes and from here. After you’ve watched the video please vote in our poll and share which one you think…
READ MORETop 5 – Death Scenes
Another Top 5 segment from The MacGuffin. This time Allen and Brandi share their top 5 death scenes. This segment is also available on Stitcher and iTunes. The audio version can be downloaded directly from here. After you’ve watched the video please vote in our…
READ MOREEpisode 109 – The Business of Horror
Spencer and Greg investigate what makes a horror film financially successful and give their DVD picks of the week.
READ MOREWhat We’re Watching – 10/12/2011
Being a parent comes with many (maybe too many) responsibilities. Near the top of this list is properly educating your child about cinema. At least, it’s near the top of my list. My father introduced me to movies when I was a kid, and when…
READ MOREPoll – Favorite Horror Film of the 1970s
As part of our horror celebration for the month of October, we will be running a series of polls to try to nail down the best horror films from specific periods of time. This time we are tackling the best horror film of the 1970s.…