Posts Tagged ‘Jodie Foster’
Audacious Dames – Susan Sarandon – Thelma & Louise
Thelma & Louise, both the film and its titular characters, were jinxed at the Oscars in 1992, winning only one well-deserved award for Best Writing for a Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen by Callie Khouri. Its parched vistas, greasy spoons, and asphalt veins of…
READ MOREElysium – Video Podcast #273
In honor of its release, Spencer and Greg take a look at Elysium, its director Neill Blomkamp and star Matt Damon.
READ MOREFilm Review – Elysium
There might not have been a bigger breakout into the film world in recent years than that of director Neill Blomkamp. After being denied the opportunity to direct a live action Halo movie (despite the support of Peter Jackson), Blomkamp made his feature debut with…
READ MOREEpisode 163 – Female Leads
In honor of the release of Brave, Spencer and Greg discuss female leads.
READ MORETop 5 – Cliched But Awesome Moments
Another Top 5 segment from The MacGuffin. This time Allen and Brandi share their top 5 cliched but awesome moments. This segment is also available on Stitcher and iTunes. The audio version can be downloaded directly from here. After you’ve watched the video please vote…
READ MORETop 5 – Bad Titles For Good Films
Another MacGuffin Film Podcast Top 5’s segment. This time Brandi and Allen share their top 5 bad titles for good films. This segment is also available on Stitcher, iTunes, and Zune. The audio version can be downloaded directly from here.
READ MOREAn Appreciation – The Silence of the Lambs
“It places the lotion in the basket.” – Buffalo Bill I once took a course in college named “Murder: The Psychology of The Serial Killer.” In it, we learned a brief history of some of the more notorious murderers in U.S. history. We studied their…
READ MOREFilm Review – The Beaver
It’s hard to separate Mel Gibson from the man he plays in Jodie Foster’s The Beaver (2011). Here is an actor who was once on top of the world, a strong leading man with infinite charisma, charm, and likeability. An award-winning filmmaker, there was a…