Posts Tagged ‘Kick-Ass’
Film Review – Guns Akimbo
Well, I got to give Daniel Radcliffe this credit: he sure picks interesting projects. Since leaving the Harry Potter franchise in 2011, Radcliffe has taken a very deliberate approach in trying to shed the boy wizard image. This includes physical efforts such as growing horns…
READ MOREFilm Review – Kingsman: The Golden Circle
The idea behind the Kingsman franchise, partly, was to lampoon the spy thrillers of yesteryear, most notably the Bond films. We see a lot of the same kind of tropes: the stylish suits, the fancy gadgets, the quirky bad guys, etc. This also includes the…
READ MOREFilm Review – Kingsman: The Secret Service
Kingsman: The Secret Service just another spy movie, a knock-off, wannabe James Bond film, right? You are so wrong. You have seen the trailers. They look interesting, but maybe not enough for you to give it a chance. Let all your preconceptions go about Kingsman because you…
READ MOREFilm Review – Godzilla (2014)
I’m not ashamed to admit that I liked Roland Emmerich’s Godzilla (1998). Certainly, I’m not going to argue that it was a good film, but I felt that it succeeded on the basic premise it was offering—widespread destruction. Now, on the 60th anniversary of the…
READ MOREFilm Review – Kick-Ass 2
Jeff Wadlow’s Kick-Ass 2 will once again bring up the discussion of violence in movies. It’s strange how—at least to American censors—shootings, stabbings, decapitations, and other forms of extreme violence are more often than not accepted. But on the other side, the slightest expression of…
READ MOREFilm Review – Violet & Daisy
A lot of films are built on just a clever premise; sometimes a great story is written around it, sometimes it never really develops into anything more. Violet & Daisy, the feature debut from director Geoffrey Fletcher, exists somewhere between the two extremes as it…
READ MOREEpisode 81 – Super Comedies
Spencer and John discuss the topic of superhero comedies in honor of the release of Super, debate the value of burn on demand DVD services, and give their DVD picks of the week.