Posts Tagged ‘Oscilloscope Pictures’
SXSW Film Review – On Her Shoulders
On Her Shoulders has an important figure and issue to discuss but fails completely to get that across. Nadia Murad is a twenty-three year old Yazidi from Iraq whose village was taken over by ISIS, resulting in most of the men being killed including those…
READ MOREFilm Review – The Love Witch (Second Take)
I’m a little depressed right now. Actually, I’m a lotta depressed right now. It’s November 15, 2016 and a week ago my country elected an open racist and misogynist as president. Sigh. I’m tired and I don’t want to write about movies. I don’t even…
READ MOREFilm Review – The Love Witch
“Maybe life could be a fairy tale if you pleased your husband more,” says a self-proclaimed witch to a concerned housewife in Anna Biller’s dark comedy-horror-fantasy, The Love Witch, about how feminine mystique, wiles, and competition attempts to undercut the patriarchy not by switching gender…