Posts Tagged ‘Rasmus Hardiker’
SIFF Film Review – Cockneys vs Zombies
Zombie movies are a dead genre—or perhaps even an undead genre (despite being dead, they just keep coming and coming and coming). It wasn’t always this way. I fondly remember a time when I would look forward to a new zombie movie, when the zombie…
READ MORESIFF Interview – Matthias Hoene – Cockneys vs Zombies
Spencer interviews director Matthias Hoene from the action comedy Cockneys vs Zombies at SIFF 2013. This segment is also available on Stitcher, iTunes and YouTube. The audio version can be downloaded directly from here.
READ MOREFilm Review – Your Highness
Once upon a time, in a land not too far away, there existed a comedy fantasy film known as Your Highness (2011). ‘Twas a film that strived heartily to be a send up of other fantasy/adventure/comedy films. Once a person gazes their eyes upon it,…