Posts Tagged ‘Roger Ebert’
An Appreciation – My Fair Lady
Surface level readings of My Fair Lady (1964) would focus on the supposed sexist dynamics. At the turn of the 20th century, an English phonetics professor (Rex Harrison) makes a bet with a colleague that his expertise could transform a lowly flower girl with a…
READ MORETop 15 Films of 2014 – Allen’s Picks
Another year, another end of year movie list. 2014 was marked by a nice variety of cinematic offerings. From action blockbusters to independents, from foreign work to documentaries, there seemed to be great stuff coming from everywhere this year. While making lists will always be…
READ MOREFilm Review – Life Itself
It’s tough to quantify how much Roger Ebert contributed to film. Through his writing and work on television, Ebert popularized movie criticism into how it is today (for good or bad). Whether you agreed with his reviews or not, there is no denying his influence.…
READ MOREMacGuffin Audio Podcast #165
Spencer is joined by Nick Ahlers (The MacGuffin, The Grapes of Rad) and Rich Wasserman (A Random Walk Through Film). Segments include: SXSW recap, Roger Ebert reflections, and summer movie season memories. Upcoming events: -Secret Movie Night V – 5/13 at 8:30pm at Grand Illusion…
READ MORE3D – A Qualified Defense
Amongst cineastes, be they as famous as Roger Ebert, or we mere mortals on this website, it has become de rigueur to trash the new trend of 3D film. The industry is pushing everyone toward putting on sometimes unwieldy glasses while staring at a potentially…
READ MOREFilm Review – Vincent: A Life in Color; Song Sung Blue
I’m not much of a documentary watcher. I don’t dislike them, but it just doesn’t occur to me to choose a documentary when I want to watch a movie. This is why I need film festivals: to show me what I’m missing.
READ MOREFilm Review – You, the Living
Greetings, MacGuffin readers. I’m Brandi and I’ll be your newest contributor.