Posts Tagged ‘Sorry to Bother You’
The MacGuffin’s Top 10 Films of 2018
The film critics at The MacGuffin have varied tastes when it comes to what our favorite films of 2018. As I compiled this list, there are always at least two to three films that another critic has chosen as a favorite that I have never…
READ MORETop 15 Films of 2018 – Allen’s Picks
The beauty of cinema is how it works as a reflection of our society – our hopes, our fears, and our desires. Films are a timestamp of who were, who we are, and what we could possibly be. A thousand years from now, people can…
READ MOREFilm Review – BlacKkKlansman
The great revelation of Spike Lee’s BlacKkKlansman (2018) is how imagery can be used as powerful motivators, cultivating the way people feel and act. Throughout his entire career, Lee has been deeply concerned with racism in our society and how it has survived and evolved…
READ MORESIFF Interview – Boots Riley – Sorry to Bother You
Spencer interviews writer/director Boots Riley from the fantasy dramedy Sorry to Bother You at SIFF 2018.