Posts Tagged ‘The Dark Knight’
Film Review – The Wolfpack
The Wolfpack presents a story you’ve heard before: awkward teenagers binge-watch movies. Heck, you probably live that story yourself, and I suspect that much interest in the film (this reviewer’s included) stems from the instant empathy film fans are likely to feel with its cinematically-obsessive…
READ MOREFilm Review – Barely Lethal
So completely average in every way, Barely Lethal tries for so little and hits that mark the whole way through. The high school movie has tried so many ways to reinvent itself, striving to add some new level to the experience to make the fish out of…
READ MOREAn Appreciation – Heat
Michael Mann’s Heat (1995) is the culmination of a career long obsession for its creator. For as long as Mann has been a filmmaker, he’s constantly returned to the same subject: the intricacies and nuances of characters operating on both sides of the law. Cops…
READ MOREFilm Review – Big Hero 6
Walt Disney Animation has been making interesting choices in the last few years. The studio known for traditional fairytales has stepped out of the box as of late. Wreck-It Ralph (2012) tried something different, and even Frozen (2013) took well-worn tropes and flipped them to…
READ MOREFilm Review – The Amazing Spider-Man 2
With Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man series not even a distant memory, Sony is flying right along with the latest reboot series. Before The Amazing Spider-Man 2 had even hit theaters, they had already announced parts 3 and 4. While I respect the commitment, it seemed more…
READ MOREFilm Review – Man of Steel
This Friday marks the release of what is certain to be one of the most highly scrutinized films of this year, Man of Steel. Rebooting the franchise after the lackluster (though underrated) Superman Returns, Warner Bros. hopes to reinvigorate one of their most important properties.…
READ MOREFilm Review – Iron Man 3
It is amazing to think that in the last five years, Iron Man has gone from being just another character on the comic page to the crown jewel in Marvel’s movie stable. In large part this success has been achieved by the iconic title performance…
READ MOREMacGuffin Audio Podcast #165
Spencer is joined by Nick Ahlers (The MacGuffin, The Grapes of Rad) and Rich Wasserman (A Random Walk Through Film). Segments include: SXSW recap, Roger Ebert reflections, and summer movie season memories. Upcoming events: -Secret Movie Night V – 5/13 at 8:30pm at Grand Illusion…