Posts Tagged ‘The Dark Knight’
Single Serving 2 – Super Hero News
A discussion about the latest news in film and television, with a focus on comic based properties. Featuring Laremy from You can also watch this episode in HD on Youtube. While you are there you can check out all sorts of cool videos on…
READ MOREInception: Inside the Mind of Christopher Nolan
Inception is a film that prompts a lot of discussion. While most of the debate focuses on the ending, and the last shot in particular, there are plenty of other tidbits in the film that have generated their own enthusiastic opinions. While this definitely adds…
READ MOREFollowing – A Review
“Are you watching closely?” – Alfred Borden, The Prestige (2006) They pass us everyday, like ghosts. We see them, we are aware that they are there, but we know nothing about them; they are covers to books without anything written on the pages. Who am I…
READ MOREInception – An Early Review
My mind has just been blown. Inception (2010), the latest film from writer-director Christopher Nolan, is a mind-boggling exercise of epic proportions. Not since David Lynch’s Mulholland Dr. (2001) has a film left me so utterly speechless; I do not even know where to begin…
READ MOREEpisode 50 – Past, Present and Future
Spencer is joined by guest host Brandi Sperry to take a look back at Christopher Nolan’s career, discuss the upcoming release of Inception, and think about the future of his career, before closing the show out with their DVD picks of the week.
READ MOREEpisode 21 – The MacGuffin Holiday Special
Spencer and John make it official, as they announce that John has become the regular co-host. After that, they provide some recommendations for good film related gifts. Finally, they close the show out by discussing their favorite Christmas movies.
READ MOREEpisode 18 – The MacGuffin’s Top 25 Sequels
Spencer and John Portanova, of Adler and Zenith, share the MacGuffin Podcast’s Top 25 Sequels. The list was inspired when Spencer and John discussed Empire magazine’s list of the top 50 sequels in Episode 13. Here is the final List: 25. Gremlins 2, Kill Bill…
READ MOREEpisode 9 – In Need Of A Hero
Spencer is joined by guest host Kevin from the Backroom Comics Podcast. First they tackle Batman’s representation in film and television over the years. Next, they consider the meteoric rise of JJ Abrams, and the dangerous crossroads he is at in his career. Finally, they…