Posts Tagged ‘The Hangover’
Film Review – A Bad Moms Christmas
Throughout Bad Moms (2017) and now with A Bad Moms Christmas (2017), I keep wondering to myself: what exactly is so bad about these moms? Amy (Mila Kunis), Kiki (Kristen Bell), and Carla (Kathryn Hahn) are all determined, strong mothers who bend over backwards so…
READ MOREFilm Review – Unfinished Business
Honestly, these are the hardest kind of reviews to write. If you end up seeing a really great movie, you usually have many thoughts about it that come gushing forth and you find yourself eager to prosthelytize to everyone how wonderful it is. Also, if…
READ MOREFilm Review – Last Vegas
When the first trailer for Last Vegas began making the internet rounds, there was nary a comment section that didn’t immediately call it out as being “The Hangover for old people!” An understandable assessment given the locale, but, where the Hangover series reveled in raunchiness,…
READ MOREFilm Review – The World’s End
The World’s End is a nostalgia trip. Primarily because this film is the coda to a trilogy that began nearly ten years ago, but also because the film’s subjects are five middle-aged men attempting to recreate, however more triumphantly, a failed pub crawl from twenty…
READ MORESIFF Film Review – Wish You Were Here
One of the most popular comedies of the last few years, The Hangover, is considered funny because of its use of absurd humor in contrast to its underlying disturbing plot. But what if you took the humor away from the movie and decided to play…
READ MOREFilm Review – The Hangover Part III
The Hangover shouldn’t have worked as well as it did, but it did mostly because of the chemistry and magnetism of its stars. And it should have been left alone, but the filmmakers, suspecting they’d stumbled upon a winning formula, cooked up The Hangover Part…
READ MOREMacGuffin Audio Podcast #159
Spencer is joined by Brian Kirk & Jessica Aceti (MovieCat, FilmWise) and Nick Ahlers (The MacGuffin, The Grapes of Rad). Segments include: This Day in Film History, Meeting Brian & Jessica, and the News at 5. News at 5: 1. No Star Wars for JJ…
READ MOREAn Analysis – Hollywood’s “It” Comedies
There has been a trend of each year having an “it” comedy movie: the comedy that everyone ends up talking about, even at the year’s end. Now, there can be more than one great comedy a year, but there is usually only one that both…