Posts Tagged ‘Very Bad Things’
SIFF Film Review – Teddy Bears
Love and friendship are two of the most fundamental elements of life. When these bonds are tested, it demonstrates how strong our interpersonal connections truly are. This is the concept behind the dark comedy Teddy Bears, from first-time directors Thomas Beatty and Rebecca Fishman.
READ MORESXSW Film Review – Drinking Buddies
As a fan of independent film, I’m excited when I’m introduced to the work of noteworthy filmmakers. For several years now, I’ve been hearing about the prolific career of Joe Swanberg and have been curious to check out his movies. Finally at SXSW this year,…
READ MOREFilm Review – Battleship
If making a ton of money is the goal of your film, then Transformers would certainly be a good point of reference to use. After the massive success of that franchise, it is no surprise that Hasbro has been scrambling to figure out how they…
READ MOREEpisode 120 – Any Given Movie
In honor of Beneath the Darkness, Spencer and Greg discuss Dennis Quaid. For New Year’s they tackle party movies, before giving DVD picks of the week.
READ MOREEpisode 92 – The Cars 2 Conundrum
Spencer and John discuss Pixar’s move into sequels with Cars 2, look back at Cameron Diaz’s profitable career in advance of Bad Teacher, and give their DVD picks of the week.
READ MOREEpisode 42 – Summer Movies v2.0
Spencer is joined by guest host Brandi Sperry to take another look at the summer movie season, share some of her guilty pleasure/dealbreaker films, and give DVD picks of the week.
READ MOREEpisode 41 – Onwards and Upwards
Spencer and John discuss the career of Jon Favreau in advance of the release of Iron Man 2, look back on this history of movie gimmicks, and give their DVD picks of the week.